Psychopharmacology deals with the study of drugs have on sensation, mood,thinking, and behaviour. Psychoactive drugs interact with substrate orreceptors found in the nervous system. Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers that travel from one braincell to others and are synthesized by certain amino acids or precursors.
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Related conference: American Society of Pharmacognosy, 13 Jul 2019, Washington, United States; International Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Development, 27-28 Jun 2019,Istanbul; 6th Annual International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences, 06May 2019, Athens, Greece; International Conference on Dental Pharmacology and Applications, 27-28 Jun 2019, London; Safety Pharmacology Society Annual Meeting, 23Sep 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
Related Society &Association: American College of Medical Toxicology; American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET); Malaysian Society of Toxicology; Japanese Society of Toxicology; National Society of Toxicology, Nepal; Academy of Toxicological Sciences; Toxicology Society of Taiwan (TSTA); Egyptian Society of Toxicology; Toxicology Society of Singapore; International Neurotoxicology Association; International Union of Toxicology.